

Will Americans Get Another Stimulus Package this Summer?

Will Americans Get Another Stimulus Package this Summer?

 By: Christine Obiamlau

President Trump responded to a reporter’s question Monday about where Americans will receive a second round of stimulus checks. The president responding optimistically, 

"We are. We are, it will be very good. It will be very generous," the president added, "It's going to be over the next couple of weeks, probably."

The president was also optimistic last week when another reporter asked about a second package. 

"I think we're working on something that's going to be very dramatic, very good,".

 President Trump did not specify when the stimulus check will be ready and how much Americans will receive when asked.

 Although this could certainly be tied to his low ratings, Trump will be taking the right step if he does send out a second package to Americans. As high unemployment rates persist and coronavirus cases  begin to rise again, additional income support is needed to keep poverty from soaring during the coronavirus pandemic. 

 To receive a second check, the proposed package will have to pass the Senate and the House, before receiving a final signature from the president. Only then will it take effect. 

 Congress has yet set a date to vote on a second stimulus package as Senate Republicans and some within Trump’s own administration are uncertain about supporting the second package.

 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) opposes a second stimulus check, stating that the cost is high and his focus is on other economic incentives. 

 "If there's another [stimulus package], it will come together in July,". "We need to take a look at how the economy is coming back and decide whether or not we're going to do one last rescue package. And I predicted we'd make that decision in July and I'll continue to say that today." 

We’re keeping a close eye on Washington as July approaches. 

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